
Why We Buy 'Cool' School Supplies

There are very few times my kids get 'spoiled'. They don't get candy, cookies, or pop except on special occasions. They get toys on their birthdays and holidays (and that's it). We buy clothes and bedroom décor from thrift shops. But when it comes to school supplies, we splurge a little. My kids do have the cartoon backpacks, the stylish pens, the multi-colored highlighters, and the metal insulated sport water bottles. Why?

It's not a stature thing. I don't want my kids to be "the cool kids". And my kids are avidly nagged to -share- a majority of their items with kids who don't have them. But each year, we spend a big day going out to a few different department stores picking out all of the notebooks and pencils we want to use during the upcoming school year. And here's why...

It Gets My Kids Excited About School
First and foremost, having brand new personalized school supplies gets my kiddos excited about learning. They have folders with their favorite SpongeBob character on the front (and they can't wait to put some homework in that folder). They have gel pens, which makes taking notes so much more colorful and exciting. And they have backpacks that they legitimately want to take care of (no they are not going to throw their special Spiderman bag in the mud, or leave it on the bus).

It Motivates Them To Stay Organized
As a momma with ADHD, I unfortunately understand the struggle to stay organized. And I'm a pretty awful example myself. I have lists upon lists sitting around my house (and most of the time, those lists get lost half-way upon completion). With that being said, not all of my kiddos have ADHD- and some are naturally organized. And all of my kids, whether or not they struggle with organization, become a bit more motivated to stay on task when they're using supplies that they actually want to keep in good condition.

My Foster Kiddos Haven't Always Had 'Nice' Stuff (And They Deserve It)
We have birth kiddos and foster kiddos and they're all treated and loved equally. My birth children have had the privilege of having nice new school supplies every year, but not all of my foster children have. My foster kids do get a bit of special treatment during our school supplies shopping, because I do find it especially important that they know they're worth a nice new set of school supplies. Especially if they are going into a new school, having school supplies their proud of really can be a small, but much needed, confidence boost.

We Still Have A Budget
My children, by no means, are supporting designer messenger bags and $20 personalized pens. No, absolutely not. But they do have the right to choose the slightly more expensive 'designed' notebook that fits their personal style and interests. They know we have a budget and they are aware that we are not rich. In fact, they go into our school supplies spending spree knowing exactly how much cash mom has to buy everything. And we take it as a family responsibility to stay within budget.