
House Rules For My Teen Foster Kiddos Ages 13 and Up

Teenagers naturally want a sense of freedom. But at the same time they need structure and stability. The rules I create in my home for kids specifically 13 and older are discussed with my teens ahead of time. All rules are negotiable, and if they make an argument as to why they should be able to do something (have a later curfew) that makes sense, I'll usually oblige with conditions involved. I try to give my kids as much independence as possible, while also setting straight-forward expectations for their behavior. That's why, when they come into my home- I show them my rules and tell them to tell me what ones they agree with, and what ones they don't think are fair- then we can work together to create a stable environment that BOTH of us feel comfortable with. I have a very 'unique' rule system, in the fact that I don't require my children do anything. I simply encourage them to do things, by having a 'rewards and privilege system'. For instance, I don't simply tell my kids "Behave in school", they can misbehave if they want. But- then they won't be able to earn allowance, or wifi, or video game rights. Here are my basic rules for teenagers (this is going to be kind of long).

Our week night curfew is usually around 9:00 (again, negotiable under certain circumstances- school events, birthday parties, etc). Our weekend curfew is 10:30- once again negotiable. But, in order to earn 'curfew rights'- where my kids are allowed to be out late, they have to be following certain rules- which are...
-They cannot be late from the previous night's curfew. If they arrive late one night, the next night they are not allowed out of the house.
-They must answer my calls or texts in a timely manner. Phone died? Better use a friend's phone to get a hold of me and let me know. Going somewhere there won't be service? Better tell me ahead of time. If they respond to me, I'll respond to them and continue to let them have their freedom.
-They need to let me know where they'll be. If I find out they are NOT where they said they'd be, they cannot go out for one week. Honesty is extremely important in keeping the curfew open.
-They cannot be failing any classes. If they are failing a class in school, they need to stay home and work on extra-credit work, homework, and studying until their grade is up. Once they are no longer failing, they can have curfew again.

Each of my kids are given a cellphone when they come into my home. They can earn prepaid 'minutes' for their phone each month by getting good grades in school. Each month they receive...
500 minutes for each A in a class.
250 minutes for each B in a class.
100 minutes for each C in a class.
0 minutes for each D in a class.
and -250 minutes for each F in a class (they have 250 minutes taken off of their total for each F).

We have wifi available 24/7. In order to have wifi rights they just need to follow a few simple wifi rules.
-They can use social media, but need to allow me to follow them on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. They also cannot publish their actual location on ANY website.
-They can have their own blogs, which I do not follow (I believe in giving them privacy), but cannot publish inappropriate pictures of themselves, drug paraphernalia, or their actual location or last name,
-They are welcome to participate on any gaming sites (Runescape, neopets, etc). No real rules, except once again no published location and I try to ask them not to use their real name (or at least not their last name).
-They can use teen chat rooms, which is very controversial, but I believe it can help them create healthy relationships with peers. With that being said ALL webcam conversations need to happen in an open part of the house (like a living room) where I can overhear. Additionally, they cannot use their real location or real FIRST or last name.

Each week my kids can earn an allowance. They can choose what (if any) chores they want to do, and are paid accordingly. They can do a variety of chores and also propose an extra chore if they think of something they can do that they feel they should be paid for. Prices for chores are also negotiable (for instance if we are washing dishes after a large holiday meal, they may feel it's more fair to get paid more. I'd agree). Our going rate for different chores is:
Washing Dishes: $2.00 a day
Vacuuming: $1.00 a room, per day.
Sweep/Mop: $1.00 a room, per day.
Dust: $1.00 a room, per day
Make Dinner: $2.00 a day
Feed Pets: $2.00 a day
Change Litterbox: $1.00 a day
Wash/Dry Laundry: $2.00 a day
Fold Laundry: $2.00 a day
Shovel Snow: $5.00 a day (only viable if there is snow to be shoveled)

My kids are always welcome to have friends over. Friends can come over on school nights, but must be home at their house by curfew. We don't do 'sleepovers' on school nights. If my kids are grounded, they are still allowed to have friends over- but MUST get homework done with their friends. My kids have sleepover rights for weekends and any days where there is not school the next day. These rights can be earned by:
-Being respectful to your peers and friends: If my kids are not kind to their friends while their friends are here, I won't allow them to continue to have friends over. This includes not stealing from friends, not cursing at them, and paying them back if they buy you food or something while in public. At school my kids cannot be bullying other children and any instances of bullying will prevent them from having sleepover rights with other friends.
-Being a good host: This means a lot of things, but basically I just want my kids to treat their guests with respect. Don't ignore them. Offer them food and drinks. Invite them to participate in activities. Don't be rude.
-Helping keep the house clean: If my kids are going to have a friend spend the night, their room needs to be clean. And they also need to clean up after their 'party' or 'sleepover' is finished (washing dishes from meals with their friends, cleaning up messes, etc).
-Being home by curfew with friends: If they are spending the night at my house with friends, they are still expected to be home by the previously agreed curfew.
-Following all other house rules: Friends are expected to follow house rules as well. If they don't, they aren't welcome over.

We have video games, computer, tablets, and TVs available. My kids can pick up any of these devices any time they want to. In order to earn the right to watch whatever show they want, play a video game, or use a computer or tablet they need to complete these basic tasks:
-Brush your teeth- pretty self explanatory.
-Finish homework, and yep- I do check.
-Have no detentions or suspensions at school (detentions and suspensions have all rights for electronics taken away).

If my child is suspended from school almost all rights are taken away from them on the days they are suspended. They do not have electronics, curfew is taken away, allowance cannot be earned that day, and the wifi will be locked. Phone minutes for the coming month will also be deducted -100 minutes for each day they are suspended.

Sex is a tough subject for most parents, but I think it's even harder for foster parents. Obviously we do not want our teenager having a child- but it's also so awkward to set clear guidelines and rules for sex. We don't know if their birth parents have talked to them. Often times we aren't even sure if they've had past negative experiences with sex. With that being said, I do feel it's important to be open to the topic of 'sex' as a teen foster parent. When kids come into my home, if they are at the age of thirteen or older, we do openly talk about sex, and I encourage them to come to me with questions and advice. I will happily give it. I also openly accept that sex is a natural part of many teens lives. I don't encourage my teens to have sex, but do let them know that it's okay if they have sex. With that being said, I always ask them to let me know. I WILL NOT get mad. But I do require them to follow safe sex practices. That means I supply them with condoms, and will usually encourage the girls to go on birth control. I get them checked up regularly (the girls visit gynecologists) and they are tested for STDs. I also talk to them very closely about how important it is to only give your body to people who truly deserve it, and I do ask that they date someone for at least a month before having sex with them. I can't always prevent my kids from having sex, but I can protect them from pregnancy and STD's by educating and encouraging them to play it safe. Many people may not feel this is 'right' and many people may feel that by allowing sex- I am encouraging it. I feel very the contrary. I feel like by allowing sex- I'm allowing my kids to have safe, open, non-judgemental communication with me about their relationships. Most of my friends were sexually active by the age of 15. Most of also did not have parents that supported this behavior- causing us to turn to more 'irrational' sexual habits (often times using inappropriate birth control methods or believing untrue stigmas about sexual intercourse). I don't encourage sex. I don't applaud it. I just realize that it happens, and instead of getting mad about it- I do my best to keep my kids safe if they choose to participate in it.

My teens are openly welcome to date. In fact I encourage healthy relationships with my teenagers and a significant other (I'm open to all kinds of relationships including homosexual, bisexual, and straight matches). We do have a few major rules with this one.
-If they are going to go on a 'date' outside of my home, I must meet the person first. I just want to know who they'll be with, where they're going, and give strict rules on what time they need to be home by.
-If they are dating someone, I expect my child to introduce themselves to their significant other's parents. I want the other parents to ALSO be aware of the relationship, and be able to communicate with me the rules they'd like their child to follow while dating my child.
-If they are going to have their significant other over to visit they are allowed to be in their room, but the door must be open. Yep- I'm a creeper parent. If they've been dating for many months, and have been open with me about their interest for more intimacy, I will understand and will allow them to have 'closed door time'. With that being said, I will require safe-sex practices and an equal respect for one another. Photos of ANY sexual nature are NOT allowed by either party. It is child pornography, it is illegal. I realize my 'closed door time' policy is controversial. Many would even say it's "wrong", but once again- rather than my kids participating in unhealthy activities (like unsafe sex) in order to hide it from me, isn't doing anyone any good. If they've proven they are mature enough and follow my rules, I'm going to allow a respectful- and yes, intimate relationship.
-If they are dating someone older than 18, or they are 18 and dating someone younger than them, sex isn't allowed, period. It's statutory rape, and it could ruin that person's life if legal issues came up.
-If they are going to have a 'sleepover' with their significant other, they must have been dating at least three months. After the three month mark, if they respect one another, I am open to sleepovers. With that being said, they need to sleep in an 'open area' part of the house like a living room. And I expect the other parents' approval as well.
-All 'out and about' dates outside of the home, follow the same rules for curfew. I must know where they'll be. They must answer their phone. And they must be home by curfew.

Drugs and alcohol are one of the HARDEST things for me to deal with. Kids want to rebel, naturally. Trust me- I was there once. And I know how it goes. So I do play this role very controversially. I am avidly against hardcore drugs and do not allow anything similar to cocaine, heroine, LSD, shrooms- or any other psychological or 'hardcore' drugs in my house. Period. I also hate cigarettes and do not allow them (if they're going to smoke- I better not find out). With that being said, I believe the two most common unhealthy 'hobbies' for teens are drinking and smoking marijuana. I don't want my kids to do either, BUT if they are curious and if they are determined to participate in activities like that I want them to be somewhere safe and supervised. So I will allow my kids to have a bit of a taste of adulthood IF they express interest and determination to do it anyways. They can have a glass of wine with dinner, or a beer on new years eve. On vacations they can have a margarita. I want them to 'experiment' with these substances in a place where they are safe and I am there to teach them how to do it responsibly. My biggest concern is my child drinking in an unsafe environment or drinking and driving. If they are drinking in my presence (even though I myself don't drink), at least I can make sure they are okay. The same goes for marijuana. If my child is going to smoke marijuana and experiment with the drugs, I do not want them going to some shady neighborhood and dealing with some awful drug dealer. I also don't want them getting high in a place that isn't safe. I'd rather have them in a controlled environment where I can be there to make sure they are participating in the activity maturely. I don't approve of drinking or smoking marijuana- let me make that VERY clear. I myself don't do either of them. But if my child is participating in those activities anyways, and makes it clear that it's something they want to do, I would MUCH rather have them do it at a place where I know they'll be okay. And that's why I sacrifice my own rules and virtues, to ensure that they are in a controlled environment and I'm there in case they need me.

Once my child turns 18, I consider them an adult. Our rules then do change. They aren't paid for chores any more, and instead are encouraged to get a job to help pay for gas and any 'extra' items they want while living with me. They have full wifi-rights without rules. They are expected to pay their own phone bills. They have no curfews- as long as they do not come home under the influence of any drug or alcohol. I will help them pay for school (and pay off school loans) as I'm able, if they get good grades. I don't ever expect a foster child to leave my home, just because they've been 'kicked out of the system'. My home is open to them as long as they are sober, working hard in school (including college) or working, and helping out around the house when able. As long as my child is acting mature, I will let them stay until they can get on their feet. They are also welcome home at any time- and are always invited to holiday events.

House Rules For My Foster Kiddos Ages 6 to 12

Around six years of age, kids start to become more independent and that's why my rules become a lot different at this time. From 6 to 12 our rules are a mixture between 'little kid rules' and 'teenage rules'. I encourage my kids to behave well, by rewarding them for positive behavior. Here are our basic rules for kids ages 6 to 12. Just as with teenagers, younger kids are allowed to 'negotiate' the rules, and are able to work with me to change the rules as they think are fair (they should get a bit more allowance for washing dishes the day after a holiday party when there are many more things to be washed- fair enough, right? I'd agree). Without further ado, our 'Older Kids Rules'

Kids 6 to 9, aren't allowed to play out and run around without supervision. With that being said, kids 10 to 12, are. They are allowed to go out and play at the playground or attend school events without me present. We do have a few rules. Our week day curfew is 7:00. And our weekend curfew is 9:00.
-I need to know exactly where they will be (and if they are walking to a store or to the playground, they need to tell me which roads they will be taking). If I find out they are lying, they are not allowed out for one week.
-They cannot be late. If they are late for curfew one night, they are not allowed out the following night.
-They cannot be failing any classes. If they are failing, they can earn their curfew rights back by raising their grades.

I do allow our kids to go online, but for kids younger than 13, they are only allowed on the 'family laptops' which stay in the living room and kitchen where I can supervise them at all times. We do have rules.
-They are not allowed to use social media. No facebook accounts, twitter, youtube, or anything similar until they are 13. They are also not allowed to be on chat rooms, forums, or 'older kids games' (where there are people who use curse words while playing).
-If they are going to watch youtube videos they must approve them with me first (so I know that they are watching something age appropriate).
-They can play games on approved sites. We like Neopets, Runescape, and other kid-friendly game sites where all of the activities on the game are child-friendly.
-They are allowed to instant message and Skype with friends, but they must show me who they are talking to and must keep conversations appropriate.
-They are not ever allowed to use their real name or location online.

Each month my younger kids are allowed to earn things based on the grade they get at school. They are allowed to go through and pick out different rewards based on their dollar amount. If they get...
Mostly A's- they get to pick out something worth $50 to $75 at the end of the month.
Mostly B's- they get to pick out something worth $25 to $50
Mostly C's- they get to pick out something worth $10 to $24
Mostly D's- they get to pick out something worth $1 to $5
Mostly F's- they don't get to pick out anything.
I find this method motivates them throughout the month, because while they are working on homework they are also working towards something they want (like a toy, new item of clothing, or video game).

My older kids can earn an allowance. I tried to keep these chores relatively easy, to give younger kids a sense of accomplishment and to keep them motivated to do chores. Their chore options are:
Make your bed: $0.25 a day
Clean your room: $0.50 a day
Feed pets: $0.10 a pet (around $2.00 a day total for all the animals)
Put your laundry in your room: $0.10 a day
Take dirty laundry from bedrooms to laundry room: $0.10 a bedroom, per day
Pick up toys around the house: $0.75 a day

My kids are always welcome to have friends over. Friends can come over on school nights, but must be home at their house by curfew. We don't do 'sleepovers' on school nights. If my kids are grounded, they are still allowed to have friends over- but MUST get homework done with their friends. Sleepover rights for weekends and any days where there is not school the next day. These rights can be earned by:
-Being respectful to your peers and friends: If my kids are not kind to their friends while their friends are here, I won't allow them to continue to have friends over. This includes not stealing from friends, not cursing at them, and paying them back if they buy you food or something while in public. At school my kids cannot be bullying other children and any instances of bullying will prevent them from having sleepover rights with other friends.
-Being a good host: This means a lot of things, but basically I just want my kids to treat their guests with respect. Don't ignore them. Offer them food and drinks. Invite them to participate in activities. Don't be rude.
-Helping keep the house clean: If my kids are going to have a friend spend the night, their room needs to be clean. And they also need to clean up after their 'party' or 'sleepover' is finished (washing dishes from meals with their friends, cleaning up messes, etc).
-Being home by curfew with friends: If they are spending the night at my house with friends, they are still expected to be home by the previously agreed curfew.
-Following all other house rules: Friends are expected to follow house rules as well. If they don't, they aren't welcome over.

We have video games, computer, tablets, and TVs available. My kids can pick up any of these devices any time they want to. In order to earn the right to watch whatever show they want, play a video game, or use a computer or tablet they need to complete these basic tasks:
-Brush your teeth- pretty self explanatory.
-Finish homework, and yep- I do check.
-Have no detentions or suspensions at school (detentions and suspensions have all rights for electronics taken away).

If my child is suspended from school almost all rights are taken away from them on the days they are suspended. They do not have electronics, curfew is taken away, allowance cannot be earned that day, and the wifi will be locked.

House Rules For My Foster Kiddos Ages 1 to 5

I'm asked often what 'house rules' I have for my foster kids. I have different rules set for different age groups, but the youngest age group has the least-complicated set of rules. So I was going to start with their list, and each week following give another list of rules for another age group. Younger child need the sense of stability that comes from having rules. With kids 1 to 5, I keep our rules very simple. We have a set of rules we follow each day, and rewards for following those rules. The rules are fairly simple...

-Brush your teeth: If they are old enough to do it themselves, I remind them to. If they are young enough to need help, I'll help them. We do this every day. Our reward is a chewy vitamin (which ultimately seems like candy to them- but knocks out two necessary activities at one time).

-Comb your hair: I always brush or comb their hair for them, but if they sit down and are patient while I get it done, every day they can earn points to earn other things. If they comb their hair every day for a week they can earn 'hair color'- I use 'hair chalk' and color their hair any color they want. They really love this and it works well! If they comb their hair every day for a month, they can earn a new hat or headband (or other hair accessory).

-Get dressed: Once they are old enough, I let my kids pick out their own clothes and dress themselves as they can. As long as they do it, when I remind them, they can earn points each day. Every 12 points earns them a new clothing item of their choice from a store when we go shopping!

-No hitting, kicking, or biting: Each week I have a small tub of prize toys that I pull out (small vinyl animals, little stuffed animals, coloring books, art supplies, etc). As long as my kids have not hit, kicked, bit, punched, or physically hurt someone in the last week, they get to pick out a prize!

-No saying bad words: For each day my kids don't say a bad word they get a point. After 10 points they get to buy a new book of their choice.

-Be nice: Being nice covers everything. No calling other people names. No teasing animals. Share your things. Just be nice. This 'being nice' is lumped in with our 'hitting, kicking, and biting' rule. As long as they are nice, they will get a prize at the end of the week.

-No stealing: We have specific consequences for this one. If they steal something from a store or someone, they are required to bring it back and apologize. If they steal from me, they have to draw me a 'sorry picture' and return the item.

September Foster Parent Bucket List

Take A Hike In A Local Nature Reserve: There are small parks and nature serves all over the country, and they usually have trails ready to be hiked! Get some fresh air and let your child explore the autumn landscape by making a point to go on a little local adventure this month.

Buy And Play A New Educational Board Game: There are all kinds of awesome education board games out there. Local thrift shops and Goodwills are usually filled with them. Pick a subject your child needs to work on a bit (whether it's math or reading) and then find a game that you can play together. It's a fun way to promote education!

Take A Tour Of A Local Attraction: Every small city has some kind of local attraction. Whether it's the home of a historical figure, a small museum, or a local monument- you're sure to find some kind of small place worth visiting. Get to know your town's history and open up your kid's curiousity by visitng one of these places.

Send Surprise Mail To Siblings and Birth Parents: Mail is so much fun for kids to recieve and give away. Send out surprise letters and drawings (maybe even small packages) to your child's siblings and birth parents. It's a fun way to keep everyone connected.

Have Surprise Mail Sent To Your Kiddo: Once your child has shipped out their packages- contact local family and friends and ask if they could return the favor by surprising your child with a fun little letter or box to open.